Project Manager and Leader:
Rösi und Matthias Wildbolz
Luegstrasse 8
3472 Wynigen
034 415 22 04
Manager Aid Organisation Moldova-Bridge:
Ursula Schweizer
Wildhauserstrasse 6
9473 Gams
081 756 77 23
Banking account:
Kappelistrasse 31
CH- 9470 Buchs
Purpose of payment: Altersheim Cahul
St. Galler Kantonalbank, 9001 St.Gallen
Postkonto 90-219-8
BC-Nr.: 78113
IBAN CH54 0078 1623 6198 4200 0
Charitable donations and contributions to our Organization Moldova-Bridge are 100% tax deductible in Switzerland.
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